Latest Resources
What’s the deal with Gluten?
If there was ever a time when people were consumed with ideas about nutrition, now is that time. People are so concerned with their nutrition...
Cleanses, Detoxing, and Building habits
Most of us have noticed the recent trend of companies pushing us as consumers to ‘cleanse’ or ‘detox’ ourselves of toxins to feel better to...
3 Reasons to love personal training
I’ve been personal training for over a third of my life and I can’t imagine what my life would have been like if I hadn’t...
It’s Time to Talk About Tension…
Often, we hear the phrase “time under tension” (or “TUT” for short) applied to exercise. Spoken in the context of strength gains and muscle...
Do I need to cut out an exercise or a whole movement like sit ups? Conclusion
So we’ve gotten some vague opinions suggesting that the sit-up is just terrible… but what about the science??? To its credit, the article does eventually...
Do I need to cut out an exercise or a whole movement like sit ups?
How jumping to broad conclusions can be misleading and hinder your credibility on giving advice. Response to “Why You Can Stop Doing Sit-Ups” By Rachel Bachman...
Successful Perceptions
“The more motivated the client, the more motivated I become.” Trying to understand those around you is important and when it comes to understanding your...